

void akantu::initialize(const std::string &input_file, int &argc, char **&argv)

initialize the static part of akantu and read the global input_file

void akantu::initialize(int &argc, char **&argv)

initialize the static part of akantu

using akantu::UInt = unsigned int
using akantu::Int = int
using akantu::Real = double
enum akantu::ElementType

type of elements


enumerator _not_defined
enumerator _not_defined

For not defined cases.

enumerator BOOST_PP_SEQ_ENUM = ((_point_1)(_segment_2)(_segment_3)(_triangle_3)(_triangle_6)(_quadrangle_4)(_quadrangle_8)(_tetrahedron_4)(_tetrahedron_10)(_pentahedron_6)(_pentahedron_15)(_hexahedron_8)(_hexahedron_20))
enumerator _max_element_type
enumerator _not_defined
enumerator _not_defined

For not defined cases.

enumerator _cohesive_1d_2
enumerator _cohesive_2d_4
enumerator _cohesive_2d_6
enumerator _cohesive_3d_12
enumerator _cohesive_3d_16
enumerator _cohesive_3d_6
enumerator _cohesive_3d_8
enumerator _point_1
enumerator _segment_2
enumerator _segment_3
enumerator _triangle_3
enumerator _triangle_6
enumerator _quadrangle_4
enumerator _quadrangle_8
enumerator _tetrahedron_4
enumerator _tetrahedron_10
enumerator _pentahedron_6
enumerator _pentahedron_15
enumerator _hexahedron_8
enumerator _hexahedron_20
enumerator _bernoulli_beam_2
enumerator _bernoulli_beam_3
enumerator _discrete_kirchhoff_triangle_18
enumerator _max_element_type
enum class akantu::ModelType


enumerator model
enumerator solid_mechanics_model
enumerator solid_mechanics_model_cohesive
enumerator heat_transfer_model
enumerator structural_mechanics_model
enumerator embedded_model
enum akantu::AnalysisMethod

enum AnalysisMethod type of solving method used to solve the equation of motion


enumerator _static = 0
enumerator _implicit_dynamic = 1
enumerator _explicit_lumped_mass = 2
enumerator _explicit_lumped_capacity = 2
enumerator _explicit_consistent_mass = 3
enumerator _explicit_contact = 4
enumerator _implicit_contact = 5
enum class akantu::SolveConvergenceCriteria

enum SolveConvergenceCriteria different convergence criteria


enumerator _residual

Use residual to test the convergence.

enumerator _solution

Use solution to test the convergence.

enumerator _residual_mass_wgh

Use residual weighted by inv. nodal mass to testb

class ArrayBase

class that afford to store vectors in static memory

Subclassed by akantu::ArrayDataLayer< T, allocation_trait >, akantu::ArrayDataLayer< T, ArrayAllocationType::_pod >

Public Types

using size_type = Int

Public Functions

inline explicit ArrayBase(const ID &id = "")
inline ArrayBase(const ArrayBase &other, const ID &id = "")
ArrayBase(ArrayBase &&other) = default
ArrayBase &operator=(const ArrayBase &other) = default
ArrayBase &operator=(ArrayBase &&other) noexcept = default
virtual ~ArrayBase() = default
virtual Int getMemorySize() const = 0

get the amount of space allocated in bytes

inline bool empty() const
virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const = 0

function to print the content of the class

inline decltype(auto) size() const

Get the Size of the Array.

inline decltype(auto) getNbComponent() const

Get the number of components.

inline decltype(auto) getID() const

Get the name of the array.

inline void setID(const ID &id)

Set the name of th array.

template<typename T, ArrayAllocationType allocation_trait = ArrayAllocationTrait<T>::value>
class ArrayDataLayer : public akantu::ArrayBase

Subclassed by akantu::Array< akantu::ContactElement >, akantu::Array< Idx >, akantu::Array< Element >, akantu::Array< Entity >, akantu::Array< T >, akantu::Array< Int >, akantu::Array< PetscInt >, akantu::Array< char >, akantu::Array< bool >, akantu::Array< NodeFlag >, akantu::Array< UInt >, akantu::Array< Real >, akantu::Array< akantu::Element >, akantu::Array< T, is_scal >

Public Types

using value_type = T
using size_type = typename ArrayBase::size_type
using reference = value_type&
using pointer_type = value_type*
using const_reference = const value_type&

Public Functions

~ArrayDataLayer() override = default
explicit ArrayDataLayer(Int size = 0, Int nb_component = 1, const ID &id = "")

Allocation of a new vector.

ArrayDataLayer(Int size, Int nb_component, const_reference value, const ID &id = "")

Allocation of a new vector with a default value.

ArrayDataLayer(const ArrayDataLayer &vect, const ID &id = "")

Copy constructor (deep copy)

explicit ArrayDataLayer(const std::vector<value_type> &vect)

Copy constructor (deep copy)

ArrayDataLayer &operator=(const ArrayDataLayer &other)
ArrayDataLayer(ArrayDataLayer &&other) noexcept = default
ArrayDataLayer &operator=(ArrayDataLayer &&other) noexcept = default
inline void push_back(const_reference value)

append a tuple of size nb_component containing value

template<typename Derived>
inline void push_back(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &new_elem)

append a vector

append a Vector or a Matrix

append a matrix or a vector to the array


new_elem – a reference to a Matrix<T> or Vector<T>

virtual void reserve(Int size, Int new_size = Int(-1))

changes the allocated size but not the size, if new_size = 0, the size is set to min(current_size and reserve size)

virtual void resize(Int size)

change the size of the Array

virtual void resize(Int size, const T &val)

change the size of the Array and initialize the values

inline virtual Int getMemorySize() const override

get the amount of space allocated in bytes

inline Int getAllocatedSize() const

Get the real size allocated in memory.

inline T *storage() const

give the address of the memory allocated for this vector

inline const T *data() const
inline T *data()
template<typename T, bool is_scal>
class Array : public akantu::ArrayDataLayer<T>

Public Types

using value_type = typename parent::value_type
using size_type = typename parent::size_type
using reference = typename parent::reference
using pointer_type = typename parent::pointer_type
using const_reference = typename parent::const_reference
using array_type = Array<T>
using scalar_iterator = view_iterator<T>

iterator for Array of nb_component = 1

using const_scalar_iterator = const_view_iterator<const T>

const_iterator for Array of nb_component = 1

using vector_iterator = view_iterator<VectorProxy<T>>

iterator returning Vectors of size n on entries of Array with nb_component = n

using const_vector_iterator = const_view_iterator<VectorProxy<const T>>

const_iterator returning Vectors of n size on entries of Array with nb_component = n

using matrix_iterator = view_iterator<MatrixProxy<T>>

iterator returning Matrices of size (m, n) on entries of Array with nb_component = m*n

using const_matrix_iterator = const_view_iterator<MatrixProxy<const T>>

const iterator returning Matrices of size (m, n) on entries of Array with nb_component = m*n

Public Functions

~Array() override
inline Array()
explicit Array(Int size, Int nb_component = 1, const ID &id = "")

Allocation of a new vector.

explicit Array(Int size, Int nb_component, const_reference value, const ID &id = "")

Allocation of a new vector with a default value.

Array(const Array &vect, const ID &id = "")

Copy constructor.

explicit Array(const std::vector<T> &vect)

Copy constructor (deep copy)

Array &operator=(const Array &other)
Array(Array &&other) noexcept = default
Array &operator=(Array &&other) noexcept = default
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto begin(Ns&&... n)
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto end(Ns&&... n)
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto begin(Ns&&... n) const
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto end(Ns&&... n) const
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto cbegin(Ns&&... n) const
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto cend(Ns&&... n) const
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto begin_reinterpret(Ns&&... n)
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto end_reinterpret(Ns&&... n)
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto begin_reinterpret(Ns&&... n) const
template<typename ...Ns>
inline auto end_reinterpret(Ns&&... n) const
Idx find(const_reference elem) const

search elem in the vector, return the position of the first occurrence or -1 if not found

search elem in the array, return the position of the first occurrence or -1 if not found


elem – the element to look for


index of the first occurrence of elem or -1 if elem is not present

inline void push_back(const_reference value)

append a value to the end of the Array

template<typename Derived>
inline void push_back(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &new_elem)

append a Vector or a Matrix

template<typename Ret>
inline void push_back(const const_view_iterator<Ret> &it)
template<typename Ret>
inline void push_back(const view_iterator<Ret> &it)
inline void erase(Idx i)

erase the value at position i

erase an element. If the erased element is not the last of the array, the last element is moved into the hole in order to maintain contiguity. This may invalidate existing iterators (For instance an iterator obtained by Array::end() is no longer correct) and will change the order of the elements.


i – index of element to erase

template<typename R>
inline auto erase(const view_iterator<R> &it)

erase the entry corresponding to the iterator

template<typename C, std::enable_if_t<aka::is_tensor<C>::value>* = nullptr>
inline Idx find(const C &elem)

inline void set(T t)

set all entries of the array to the value t


t – value to fill the array with

template<typename C, std::enable_if_t<aka::is_tensor<C>::value>* = nullptr>
inline void set(const C &vm)

set all tuples of the array to a given vector or matrix


vm – Matrix or Vector to fill the array with

inline void zero()

set the array to T{}

inline void clear()

resize the array to 0

void append(const Array &other)

Append the content of the other array to the current one.

void copy(const Array &other, bool no_sanity_check = false)

copy another Array in the current Array, the no_sanity_check allows you to force the copy in cases where you know what you do with two non matching Arrays in terms of n

copy the content of another array. This overwrites the current content.

  • otherArray to copy into this array. It has to have the same nb_component as this. If compiled in debug mode, an incorrect other will result in an exception being thrown. Optimised code may result in unpredicted behaviour.

  • no_sanity_check – turns off all checkes

virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const override

function to print the containt of the class

template<typename OT = T, std::enable_if_t<std::is_arithmetic<OT>::value>* = nullptr>
bool isFinite() const noexcept

Tests if all elements are finite.

Array &operator-=(const Array &vect)

substraction entry-wise

Subtract another array entry by entry from this array in place. Both arrays must have the same size and nb_component. If the arrays have different shapes, code compiled in debug mode will throw an expeption and optimised code will behave in an unpredicted manner


other – array to subtract from this


reference to modified this

Array &operator+=(const Array &vect)

addition entry-wise

Add another array entry by entry to this array in place. Both arrays must have the same size and nb_component. If the arrays have different shapes, code compiled in debug mode will throw an expeption and optimised code will behave in an unpredicted manner


other – array to add to this


reference to modified this

Array &operator*=(const T &alpha)

multiply evry entry by alpha

Multiply all entries of this array by a scalar in place


alpha – scalar multiplicant


reference to modified this

bool operator==(const Array<T, is_scal> &other) const

check if the array are identical entry-wise

Compare this array element by element to another.


other – array to compare to


true it all element are equal and arrays have the same shape, else false

bool operator!=(const Array<T, is_scal> &other) const

inline reference operator()(Idx i, Idx j = 0)

return a reference to the j-th entry of the i-th tuple

inline const_reference operator()(Idx i, Idx j = 0) const

return a const reference to the j-th entry of the i-th tuple

inline reference operator[](Idx i)

return a reference to the ith component of the 1D array

inline const_reference operator[](Idx i) const

return a const reference to the ith component of the 1D array

Idx find(const Real &elem) const
auto operator*=(const ElementType&) -> Array&
auto operator-=(const Array&) -> Array&
auto operator+=(const Array&) -> Array&
auto operator*=(const char&) -> Array&
auto operator-=(const Array&) -> Array&
auto operator+=(const Array&) -> Array&
inline Array(Int size, Int nb_component, const ID &id)
template<typename V, std::enable_if_t<aka::is_tensor<V>::value>*>
inline Idx find(const V &elem)
template<typename T, typename SupportType>
class ElementTypeMapArray : public akantu::ElementTypeMap<std::unique_ptr<Array<T>>, SupportType>

Public Types

using value_type = T
using array_type = Array<T>
using type_iterator = typename parent::type_iterator

Public Functions

auto operator=(const ElementTypeMapArray &other) -> ElementTypeMapArray&

standard assigment (copy) operator

ElementTypeMapArray(const ElementTypeMapArray &other)
void copy(const ElementTypeMapArray &other)

explicit copy

inline ElementTypeMapArray(const ID &id = "by_element_type_array", const ID &parent_id = "no_parent")


  • id – optional: identifier (string)

  • parent_id – optional: parent identifier. for organizational purposes only

inline auto alloc(Int size, Int nb_component, SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type, const T &default_value = T()) -> Array<T>&

allocate memory for a new array

  • size – number of tuples of the new array

  • nb_component – tuple size

  • type – the type under which the array is indexed in the map

  • ghost_type – whether to add the field to the data map or the ghost_data map

  • default_value – the default value to use to fill the array


a reference to the allocated array

inline void alloc(Int size, Int nb_component, SupportType type, const T &default_value = T())

allocate memory for a new array in both the data and the ghost_data map

  • size – number of tuples of the new array

  • nb_component – tuple size

  • type – the type under which the array is indexed in the map

inline auto operator()(SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const -> const Array<T>&
inline auto operator()(const Element &element, Int component = 0) const -> const T&

access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor

inline auto operator()(const Element &element, Int component = 0) -> T&

access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor

inline auto operator()(const IntegrationPoint &point, Int component = 0) const -> const T&

access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor

inline auto operator()(const IntegrationPoint &point, Int component = 0) -> T&

access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor

inline decltype(auto) get(const Element &element)

access the data of an element, this combine the map and array accessor

inline decltype(auto) get(const Element &element) const
inline decltype(auto) get(const IntegrationPoint &point)
inline decltype(auto) get(const IntegrationPoint &point) const
template<typename... Ns, std::enable_if_t< std::conjunction_v< std::is_integral< std::decay_t< Ns >>... > and sizeof...(Ns) > = 1> inline **auto operator() (SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type=_not_ghost) -> Array< T > &
inline void setArray(SupportType type, GhostType ghost_type, Array<T> &vect)

insert data of a new type (not yet present) into the map.

  • type – type of data (if this type is already present in the map, an exception is thrown).

  • ghost_type – optional: by default, the data map for non-ghost elements is searched

  • vect – the vector to include into the map


stored data corresponding to type.

inline void free()

frees all memory related to the data

inline void clear()
inline bool empty() const
inline void zero()

set all values in the ElementTypeMap to zero

template<typename ST>
inline void set(const ST &value)

set all values in the ElementTypeMap to value

inline void onElementsRemoved(const ElementTypeMapArray<Int> &new_numbering)

deletes and reorders entries in the stored arrays


new_numbering – a ElementTypeMapArray of new indices. UInt(-1) indicates deleted entries.

virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const override

text output helper

inline void setID(const ID &id)

set the id


id – the new name

inline auto getID() const -> ID

return the id

inline auto getNbComponents(Int dim = _all_dimensions, GhostType requested_ghost_type = _not_ghost, ElementKind kind = _ek_not_defined) const -> ElementTypeMap<Int>
template<class Func>
void initialize(const Func &f, const T &default_value, bool do_not_default)

initialize the arrays in accordance to a functor

template<typename ...pack>
void initialize(const Mesh &mesh, pack&&... _pack)

initialize with sizes and number of components in accordance of a mesh content

template<typename ...pack>
void initialize(const FEEngine &fe_engine, pack&&... _pack)

initialize with sizes and number of components in accordance of a fe engine content (aka integration points)

ID getName() const

get the name of the internal field

template<typename ...pack>
auto size(pack&&... _pack) const -> Int

get the size of the ElementTypeMapArray<T>



optional arguments can be any of:

  • _spatial_dimension the dimension to consider (default: _all_dimensions)

  • _ghost_type (default: _not_ghost)

  • _element_kind (default: _ek_not_defined)

  • _all_ghost_types (default: false)

inline auto isNodal() const -> bool
inline void isNodal(bool is_nodal)


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “akantu::Vector” in doxygen xml output for project “Akantu” from directory: ./xml


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “akantu::Matrix” in doxygen xml output for project “Akantu” from directory: ./xml


class Mesh : public akantu::EventHandlerManager<MeshEventHandler>, public akantu::GroupManager, public akantu::MeshData, public akantu::Dumpable

This class contaisn the coordinates of the nodes in the Mesh.nodes akant::Array, and the connectivity. The connectivity are stored in by element types.

In order to loop on all element you have to loop on all types like this :

for(auto & type : mesh.elementTypes()) {
  Int nb_element  = mesh.getNbElement(type);
  const auto & conn = mesh.getConnectivity(type);
  for(Int e = 0; e < nb_element; ++e) {


for_each_element(mesh, [](Element & element) {
   std::cout << element << std::endl

Public Types

using ElementTypesIteratorHelper = ElementTypeMapArray<Idx, ElementType>::ElementTypesIteratorHelper

Public Functions

Mesh(Int spatial_dimension, const ID &id = "mesh")

constructor that create nodes coordinates array

Mesh(Int spatial_dimension, Communicator &communicator, const ID &id = "mesh")

mesh not distributed and not using the default communicator

Mesh(Int spatial_dimension, const std::shared_ptr<Array<Real>> &nodes, const ID &id = "mesh")

constructor that use an existing nodes coordinates array, by getting the vector of coordinates

~Mesh() override
Mesh(const Mesh&) = delete
Mesh(Mesh&&) = delete
Mesh &operator=(const Mesh&) = delete
Mesh &operator=(Mesh&&) = delete
void read(const std::string &filename, const MeshIOType &mesh_io_type = _miot_auto)

read the mesh from a file

void write(const std::string &filename, const MeshIOType &mesh_io_type = _miot_auto)

write the mesh to a file

template<typename ...pack>
inline std::enable_if_t<are_named_argument<pack...>::value> distribute(pack&&... _pack)

with the arguments to pass to the partitionner

inline bool isDistributed() const

defines is the mesh is distributed or not

void makePeriodic(const SpatialDirection &direction)

set the periodicity in a given direction

void makePeriodic(const SpatialDirection &direction, const ID &list_1, const ID &list_2)
inline bool isPeriodic() const

defines if the mesh is periodic or not

inline bool isPeriodic(const SpatialDirection&) const
inline Idx getPeriodicMaster(Idx slave) const

get the master node for a given slave nodes, except if node not a slave

inline decltype(auto) getPeriodicSlaves(Idx master) const

get an iterable list of slaves for a given master node

virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const override

function to print the containt of the class

template<typename T, class Derived1, class Derived2, std::enable_if_t<aka::is_vector_v<Derived2>>* = nullptr>
inline void extractNodalValuesFromElement(const Array<T> &nodal_values, Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived1> &elemental_values, const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived2> &connectivity) const

extract coordinates of nodes from an element

template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) extractNodalValuesFromElement(const Array<T> &nodal_values, const Element &element) const

extract coordinates of nodes from an element

inline void addConnectivityType(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost)

add a Array of connectivity for the given ElementType and GhostType .

template<class Event>
void sendEvent(Event &event)
void eraseElements(const Array<Element> &elements)

prepare the event to remove the elements listed

template<typename T>
inline void removeNodesFromArray(Array<T> &vect, const Array<Int> &new_numbering)
Mesh &initMeshFacets(const ID &id = "mesh_facets")

init facets’ mesh

void defineMeshParent(const Mesh &mesh)

define parent mesh

void getGlobalConnectivity(ElementTypeMapArray<Int> &global_connectivity)

get global connectivity array

void getAssociatedElements(const Array<Int> &node_list, Array<Element> &elements)
void getAssociatedElements(const Idx &node, Array<Element> &elements) const
inline decltype(auto) getAssociatedElements(const Idx &node) const
void fillNodesToElements(Int dimension = _all_dimensions)

fills the nodes_to_elements for given dimension elements

const ID &getID() const

get the id of the mesh

Int getSpatialDimension() const

get the spatial dimension of the mesh = number of component of the coordinates

const Array<Real> &getNodes() const

get the nodes Array aka coordinates

Array<Real> &getNodes()
inline auto getNbNodes() const

get the number of nodes

inline decltype(auto) getGlobalNodesIds() const

get the Array of global ids of the nodes (only used in parallel)

inline auto getNodeGlobalId(Idx local_id) const

get the global id of a node

inline auto getNodeLocalId(Idx global_id) const

get the global id of a node

inline auto getNbGlobalNodes() const

get the global number of nodes

const Array<NodeFlag> &getNodesFlags() const

get the nodes type Array

inline NodeFlag getNodeFlag(Idx local_id) const
inline auto getNodePrank(Idx local_id) const
inline bool isPureGhostNode(Idx n) const

say if a node is a pure ghost node

inline bool isLocalOrMasterNode(Idx n) const

say if a node is pur local or master node

inline bool isLocalNode(Idx n) const
inline bool isMasterNode(Idx n) const
inline bool isSlaveNode(Idx n) const
inline bool isPeriodicSlave(Idx n) const
inline bool isPeriodicMaster(Idx n) const
inline const Vector<Real> &getLowerBounds() const
inline const Vector<Real> &getUpperBounds() const
const BBox &getBBox() const
inline const Vector<Real> &getLocalLowerBounds() const
inline const Vector<Real> &getLocalUpperBounds() const
const BBox &getLocalBBox() const
inline auto getConnectivity(const ElementType &el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const -> const Array<Idx>&

get the connectivity Array for a given type

inline auto getConnectivity(const ElementType &el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) -> Array<Idx>&
const ElementTypeMapArray<Idx> &getConnectivities() const
inline auto getNbElement(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const

get the number of element of a type in the mesh

inline auto getNbElement(Int spatial_dimension = _all_dimensions, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, ElementKind kind = _ek_not_defined) const

get the number of element for a given ghost_type and a given dimension

template<class D, std::enable_if_t<aka::is_vector_v<D>>* = nullptr>
inline void getBarycenter(const Element &element, const Eigen::MatrixBase<D> &barycenter) const

compute the barycenter of a given element

inline Vector<Real> getBarycenter(const Element &element) const
void getBarycenters(Array<Real> &barycenter, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type) const
decltype(auto) getElementToSubelement() const

get the element connected to a subelement (element of lower dimension)

inline const auto &getElementToSubelement(ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const

get the element connected to a subelement

decltype(auto) getElementToSubelement(const Element &element) const

get the elements connected to a subelement

decltype(auto) getSubelementToElement() const

get the subelement (element of lower dimension) connected to a element

inline const auto &getSubelementToElement(ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const

get the subelement connected to an element

decltype(auto) getSubelementToElement(const Element &element) const

get the subelement (element of lower dimension) connected to a element

inline decltype(auto) getConnectivity(const Element &element) const

get connectivity of a given element

inline decltype(auto) getConnectivityWithPeriodicity(const Element &element) const
template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getData(const ID &data_name, ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const

get a name field associated to the mesh

template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getData(const ID &data_name, ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost)

get a name field associated to the mesh

template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getData(const ID &data_name) const

get a name field associated to the mesh

template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getData(const ID &data_name)

get a name field associated to the mesh

template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getData(const ID &data_name, Element element) const
template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getData(const ID &data_name, Element element)
template<typename T>
auto getNbDataPerElem(ElementTypeMapArray<T> &array) -> ElementTypeMap<Int>
template<typename T>
std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createFieldFromAttachedData(const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name, ElementKind element_kind)
template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getDataPointer(const std::string &data_name, ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, Int nb_component = 1, bool size_to_nb_element = true, bool resize_with_parent = false)

templated getter returning the pointer to data in MeshData (modifiable)

template<typename T>
inline decltype(auto) getDataPointer(const ID &data_name, ElementType el_type, GhostType ghost_type, Int nb_component, bool size_to_nb_element, bool resize_with_parent, const T &defaul_)
inline auto getMeshFacets() const -> const Mesh&

Facets mesh accessor.

inline auto getMeshFacets() -> Mesh&
inline auto hasMeshFacets() const
inline auto getMeshParent() const -> const Mesh&

Parent mesh accessor.

inline auto isMeshFacets() const
auto getGroupDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &group_name) -> DumperIOHelper&

return the dumper from a group and and a dumper name

inline auto getFacetConnectivity(const Element &element, Idx t = 0) const -> Matrix<Idx>

get connectivity of facets for a given element

template<typename ...pack>
auto elementTypes(pack&&... _pack) const -> ElementTypesIteratorHelper
inline const auto &getElementSynchronizer() const
inline decltype(auto) getElementSynchronizer()
inline const auto &getNodeSynchronizer() const
inline decltype(auto) getNodeSynchronizer()
inline const auto &getPeriodicNodeSynchronizer() const
inline decltype(auto) getPeriodicNodeSynchronizer()
inline const auto &getCommunicator() const
inline decltype(auto) getCommunicator()
inline decltype(auto) getPeriodicMasterSlaves() const
void sendEvent(MeshIsDistributedEvent &event)
void sendEvent(NewNodesEvent &event)
template<typename T>
ElementTypeMap<Int> getNbDataPerElem(ElementTypeMapArray<T> &arrays)
inline void sendEvent(NewElementsEvent &event)
inline void sendEvent(RemovedElementsEvent &event)
inline void sendEvent(RemovedNodesEvent &event)
template<typename T>
inline void removeNodesFromArray(Array<T> &vect, const Array<Idx> &new_numbering)

Public Static Functions

static inline constexpr auto getNbNodesPerElement(ElementType type) -> Int

get the number of nodes per element for a given element type

static inline constexpr auto getP1ElementType(ElementType type) -> ElementType

get the number of nodes per element for a given element type considered as a first order element

static inline constexpr auto getKind(ElementType type) -> ElementKind

get the kind of the element type

static inline constexpr auto getSpatialDimension(ElementType type) -> Int

get spatial dimension of a type of element

static inline constexpr auto getNaturalSpaceDimension(ElementType type) -> Int

get the natural space dimension of a type of element

static inline constexpr auto getNbFacetsPerElement(ElementType type) -> Int

get number of facets of a given element type

static inline constexpr auto getNbFacetsPerElement(ElementType type, Idx t) -> Int

get number of facets of a given element type

static inline decltype(auto) getFacetLocalConnectivity(ElementType type, Idx t = 0)

get local connectivity of a facet for a given facet type

static inline constexpr auto getNbFacetTypes(ElementType type, Idx t = 0) -> Int

get the number of type of the surface element associated to a given element type

static inline constexpr auto getFacetType(ElementType type, Idx t = 0) -> ElementType

get the type of the surface element associated to a given element

static inline decltype(auto) getAllFacetTypes(ElementType type)

get all the type of the surface element associated to a given element

static inline auto getNbNodesPerElementList(const Array<Element> &elements) -> Int

get the number of nodes in the given element list

class PeriodicSlaves

Public Functions

inline PeriodicSlaves(const Mesh &mesh, Idx master)
PeriodicSlaves(const PeriodicSlaves &other) = default
PeriodicSlaves(PeriodicSlaves &&other) noexcept = default
auto operator=(const PeriodicSlaves &other) -> PeriodicSlaves& = default
inline auto begin() const
inline auto end() const
class const_iterator

Public Functions

inline const_iterator(internal_iterator it)
inline const_iterator operator++()
inline bool operator!=(const const_iterator &other)
inline bool operator==(const const_iterator &other)
inline auto operator*()
class FEEngine : public akantu::MeshEventHandler

The generic FEEngine class derived in a FEEngineTemplate class containing the shape functions and the integration method

Subclassed by akantu::FEEngineTemplate< I, S, kind, IntegrationOrderFunctor >

Public Types

using ElementTypesIteratorHelper = ElementTypeMapArray<Real, ElementType>::ElementTypesIteratorHelper

Public Functions

FEEngine(Mesh &mesh, Int element_dimension = _all_dimensions, const ID &id = "fem")
~FEEngine() override
virtual void initShapeFunctions(GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) = 0

pre-compute all the shape functions, their derivatives and the jacobians

virtual void integrate(const Array<Real> &f, Array<Real> &intf, Int nb_degree_of_freedom, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

integrate f for all elements of type “type”

virtual Real integrate(const Array<Real> &f, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

integrate a scalar value f on all elements of type “type”

inline Real integrate(const Ref<const VectorXr> f, const Element &element) const

integrate one element scalar value on all elements of type “type”

virtual Int getNbIntegrationPoints(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const = 0

get the number of integration points

virtual const Array<Real> &getShapes(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, Idx id = 0) const = 0

get the precomputed shapes

virtual const Array<Real> &getShapesDerivatives(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, Idx id = 0) const = 0

get the derivatives of shapes

virtual const MatrixXr &getIntegrationPoints(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const = 0

get integration points

virtual void gradientOnIntegrationPoints(const Array<Real> &u, Array<Real> &nablauq, Int nb_degree_of_freedom, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

Compute the gradient nablauq on the integration points of an element type from nodal values u

virtual void interpolateOnIntegrationPoints(const Array<Real> &u, Array<Real> &uq, Int nb_degree_of_freedom, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

Interpolate a nodal field u at the integration points of an element type -> uq

virtual void interpolateOnIntegrationPoints(const Array<Real> &u, ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &uq, const ElementTypeMapArray<Idx> *filter_elements = nullptr) const = 0

Interpolate a nodal field u at the integration points of many element types -> uq

virtual void computeBtD(const Array<Real> &Ds, Array<Real> &BtDs, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

pre multiplies a tensor by the shapes derivaties

virtual void computeBtDB(const Array<Real> &Ds, Array<Real> &BtDBs, Int order_d, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

left and right multiplies a tensor by the shapes derivaties

virtual void computeNtb(const Array<Real> &bs, Array<Real> &Ntbs, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

left multiples a vector by the shape functions

virtual void computeNtbN(const Array<Real> &bs, Array<Real> &NtbNs, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

left and right multiplies a tensor by the shapes

virtual void computeIntegrationPointsCoordinates(ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &integration_points_coordinates, const ElementTypeMapArray<Idx> *filter_elements = nullptr) const = 0

Compute the interpolation point position in the global coordinates for many element types

virtual void computeIntegrationPointsCoordinates(Array<Real> &integration_points_coordinates, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter) const = 0

Compute the interpolation point position in the global coordinates for an element type

virtual void initElementalFieldInterpolationFromIntegrationPoints(const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &interpolation_points_coordinates, ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &interpolation_points_coordinates_matrices, ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &integration_points_coordinates_inv_matrices, const ElementTypeMapArray<Idx> *element_filter) const = 0

Build pre-computed matrices for interpolation of field form integration points at other given positions (interpolation_points)

virtual void interpolateElementalFieldFromIntegrationPoints(const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &field, const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &interpolation_points_coordinates, ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &result, const GhostType ghost_type, const ElementTypeMapArray<Idx> *element_filter) const = 0

interpolate field at given position (interpolation_points) from given values of this field at integration points (field)

virtual void interpolateElementalFieldFromIntegrationPoints(const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &field, const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &interpolation_points_coordinates_matrices, const ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &integration_points_coordinates_inv_matrices, ElementTypeMapArray<Real> &result, const GhostType ghost_type, const ElementTypeMapArray<Idx> *element_filter) const = 0

Interpolate field at given position from given values of this field at integration points (field) using matrices precomputed with initElementalFieldInterplationFromIntegrationPoints

virtual void interpolate(const Ref<const VectorXr> real_coords, const Ref<const MatrixXr> nodal_values, Ref<VectorXr> interpolated, const Element &element) const = 0

interpolate on a phyiscal point inside an element

virtual void computeShapes(const Ref<const VectorXr> real_coords, Int elem, ElementType type, Ref<VectorXr> shapes, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const = 0

compute the shape on a provided point

virtual void computeShapeDerivatives(const Ref<const VectorXr> real_coords, Int element, ElementType type, Ref<MatrixXr> shape_derivatives, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const = 0

compute the shape derivatives on a provided point

virtual void assembleFieldLumped(const std::function<void(Matrix<Real>&, const Element&)> &field_funct, const ID &matrix_id, const ID &dof_id, DOFManager &dof_manager, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const = 0

assembles the lumped version of

\[ \int N^t rho N \]

virtual void assembleFieldMatrix(const std::function<void(Matrix<Real>&, const Element&)> &field_funct, const ID &matrix_id, const ID &dof_id, DOFManager &dof_manager, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const = 0

assembles the matrix

\[ \int N^t rho N \]

virtual void computeNormalsOnIntegrationPoints(GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) = 0

pre-compute normals on integration points

inline virtual void computeNormalsOnIntegrationPoints(const Array<Real>&, GhostType = _not_ghost)

pre-compute normals on integration points

inline virtual void computeNormalsOnIntegrationPoints(const Array<Real>&, Array<Real>&, ElementType, GhostType = _not_ghost) const

pre-compute normals on integration points

virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const

function to print the containt of the class

ElementTypesIteratorHelper elementTypes(Int dim = _all_dimensions, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, ElementKind kind = _ek_regular) const
inline decltype(auto) getElementDimension() const

get the dimension of the element handeled by this fe_engine object

inline decltype(auto) getMesh() const

get the mesh contained in the fem object

Mesh &getMesh()

get the mesh contained in the fem object

inline Real getElementInradius(const Element &element) const
inline auto getNormalsOnIntegrationPoints(const ElementType &el_type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const -> const Array<Real>&

get the normals on integration points

virtual const ShapeFunctions &getShapeFunctionsInterface() const = 0

get the shape function class (probably useless: see getShapeFunction in fe_engine_template.hh)

virtual const Integrator &getIntegratorInterface() const = 0

get the integrator class (probably useless: see getIntegrator in fe_engine_template.hh)

ID getID() const
template<typename T>
void filterElementalData(const Mesh &mesh, const Array<T> &elem_f, Array<T> &filtered_f, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type, const Array<Int> &filter_elements)

Public Static Functions

template<typename T>
static void extractNodalToElementField(const Mesh &mesh, const Array<T> &nodal_f, Array<T> &elemental_f, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Int> &filter_elements = empty_filter)

extract the nodal values and store them per element

template<typename T>
static void filterElementalData(const Mesh &mesh, const Array<T> &quad_f, Array<T> &filtered_f, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const Array<Idx> &filter_elements = empty_filter)

filter a field

template<class Derived>
static inline Real getElementInradius(const Eigen::MatrixBase<Derived> &coord, ElementType type)

get the in-radius of an element

static inline constexpr ElementType getCohesiveElementType(ElementType type_facet)

get cohesive element type for a given facet type


rewrite this function in order to get the cohesive element type directly from the facet

static inline Vector<ElementType> getIGFEMElementTypes(ElementType type)

get igfem element type for a given regular type

static inline constexpr auto getInterpolationType(ElementType el_type)

get the interpolation element associated to an element type

class Element

Subclassed by akantu::IntegrationPoint

Public Functions

inline constexpr ElementKind kind() const
inline constexpr bool operator==(const Element &elem) const
inline constexpr bool operator!=(const Element &elem) const
inline constexpr bool operator<(const Element &rhs) const

Public Members

ElementType type
Idx element
GhostType ghost_type
class GroupManager

Subclassed by akantu::FragmentManager, akantu::Mesh

Public Types

using node_group_iterator = NodeGroups::iterator
using element_group_iterator = ElementGroups::iterator
using const_node_group_iterator = NodeGroups::const_iterator
using const_element_group_iterator = ElementGroups::const_iterator

Public Functions

GroupManager(Mesh &mesh, const ID &id = "group_manager")
virtual ~GroupManager()
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (BOOST_PP_CAT(const_, node_group), _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(node_group
inline begin(BOOST_PP_EMPTY()) const
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (node_group, _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(node_group
inline begin(BOOST_PP_EMPTY())
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (BOOST_PP_CAT(const_, node_group), _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(node_group
inline end(BOOST_PP_EMPTY()) const
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (node_group, _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(node_group
inline end(BOOST_PP_EMPTY())
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (BOOST_PP_CAT(const_, element_group), _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(element_group
inline begin(BOOST_PP_EMPTY()) const
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (element_group, _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(element_group
inline begin(BOOST_PP_EMPTY())
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (BOOST_PP_CAT(const_, element_group), _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(element_group
inline end(BOOST_PP_EMPTY()) const
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (element_group, _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(element_group
inline end(BOOST_PP_EMPTY())
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (BOOST_PP_CAT(const_, element_group), _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(element_group
inline find(const std::string &name) const
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (element_group, _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(element_group
inline find(const std::string &name)
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (BOOST_PP_CAT(const_, node_group), _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(node_group
inline find(const std::string &name) const
inline  BOOST_PP_CAT (node_group, _iterator) BOOST_PP_CAT(BOOST_PP_CAT(node_group
inline find(const std::string &name)
inline decltype(auto) iterateNodeGroups()
inline decltype(auto) iterateNodeGroups() const
inline decltype(auto) iterateElementGroups()
inline decltype(auto) iterateElementGroups() const
NodeGroup &createNodeGroup(const std::string &group_name, bool replace_group = false)

create an empty node group

ElementGroup &createElementGroup(const std::string &group_name, Int dimension = _all_dimensions, bool replace_group = false)

create an element group and the associated node group

void renameElementGroup(const std::string &name, const std::string &new_name)

renames an element group

void renameNodeGroup(const std::string &name, const std::string &new_name)

renames a node group

void copyElementGroup(const std::string &name, const std::string &new_name)

copy an existing element group

void copyNodeGroup(const std::string &name, const std::string &new_name)

copy an existing node group

template<typename T>
NodeGroup &createFilteredNodeGroup(const std::string &group_name, const NodeGroup &node_group, T &filter)

create a node group from another node group but filtered

template<typename T>
ElementGroup &createFilteredElementGroup(const std::string &group_name, Int dimension, const NodeGroup &node_group, T &filter)

create an element group from another element group but filtered

void destroyNodeGroup(const std::string &group_name)

destroy a node group

void destroyElementGroup(const std::string &group_name, bool destroy_node_group = false)

destroy an element group and the associated node group

ElementGroup &createElementGroup(const std::string &group_name, Int dimension, NodeGroup &node_group)

create a element group using an existing node group

template<typename T>
void createGroupsFromMeshData(const std::string &dataset_name)

create groups based on values stored in a given mesh data

Int createBoundaryGroupFromGeometry()

create boundaries group by a clustering algorithm


extend to parallel


this function doesn’t work in 1D

Int createClusters(Int element_dimension, Mesh &mesh_facets, std::string cluster_name_prefix = "cluster", const ClusteringFilter &filter = ClusteringFilter())

create element clusters for a given dimension

Int createClusters(Int element_dimension, std::string cluster_name_prefix = "cluster", const ClusteringFilter &filter = ClusteringFilter())

create element clusters for a given dimension

void createElementGroupFromNodeGroup(const std::string &name, const std::string &node_group, Int dimension = _all_dimensions)

Create an ElementGroup based on a NodeGroup.

virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const
void synchronizeGroupNames()

this function insure that the group names are present on all processors /!\ it is a SMP call

template<typename T, template<bool> class dump_type>
std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createElementalField(const ElementTypeMapArray<T> &field, const std::string &group_name, Int spatial_dimension, ElementKind kind, ElementTypeMap<Int> nb_data_per_elem = ElementTypeMap<Int>())

< type of InternalMaterialField

register an elemental field to the given group name (overloading for ElementalPartionField)

template<typename T, class ret_type, template<class, class, bool> class dump_type>
std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createElementalField(const ElementTypeMapArray<T> &field, const std::string &group_name, Int spatial_dimension, ElementKind kind, ElementTypeMap<Int> nb_data_per_elem = ElementTypeMap<Int>())

register an elemental field to the given group name (overloading for ElementalField)

template<typename T, template<typename, bool filtered> class dump_type>
std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createElementalField(const ElementTypeMapArray<T> &field, const std::string &group_name, Int spatial_dimension, ElementKind kind, ElementTypeMap<Int> nb_data_per_elem)

register an elemental field to the given group name (overloading for MaterialInternalField)

template<typename type, bool flag, template<class, bool> class ftype>
std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createNodalField(const ftype<type, flag> *field, const std::string &group_name, Int padding_size = 0)
template<typename type, bool flag, template<class, bool> class ftype>
std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createStridedNodalField(const ftype<type, flag> *field, const std::string &group_name, Int size, Int stride, Int padding_size)
void onNodesAdded(const Array<Idx> &new_nodes, const NewNodesEvent &event)
const ElementGroup &getElementGroup(const std::string &name) const
const NodeGroup &getNodeGroup(const std::string &name) const
ElementGroup &getElementGroup(const std::string &name)
NodeGroup &getNodeGroup(const std::string &name)
Int getNbElementGroups(Int dimension = _all_dimensions) const
inline Int getNbNodeGroups()
inline bool elementGroupExists(const std::string &name) const
inline bool nodeGroupExists(const std::string &name) const

Public Members

class ClusteringFilter

Subclassed by akantu::CohesiveElementFilter, akantu::PhaseFieldElementFilter

Public Functions

inline virtual bool operator()(const Element&) const
class ElementGroup : public akantu::Dumpable

Public Types

using ElementList = ElementTypeMapArray<Idx>
using type_iterator = ElementList::type_iterator

Public Functions

ElementGroup(const std::string &name, const Mesh &mesh, NodeGroup &node_group, Int dimension = _all_dimensions, const std::string &id = "element_group")
template<typename ...pack>
inline decltype(auto) elementTypes(pack&&... _pack) const
inline auto begin(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const
inline auto end(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const
void clear()

empty the element group

void clear(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost)
bool empty() const
void append(const ElementGroup &other_group)

append another group to this group BE CAREFUL: it doesn’t conserve the element order

inline void add(const Element &el, bool add_nodes = false, bool check_for_duplicate = true)

add an element to the group. By default the it does not add the nodes to the group

inline void add(ElementType type, Idx element, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, bool add_nodes = true, bool check_for_duplicate = true)


fix the default for add_nodes : make it coherent with the other method

inline void addNode(Idx node_id, bool check_for_duplicate = true)
inline void removeNode(Idx node_id)
virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const

function to print the contain of the class

virtual void fillFromNodeGroup()

fill the elements based on the underlying node group.

void optimize()
void addDimension(Int dimension)

change the dimension if needed

void onNodesAdded(const Array<Idx> &new_nodes, const NewNodesEvent &event)
inline const Array<Idx> &getElements(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const
inline decltype(auto) getElements() const
inline decltype(auto) getElements()
template<class ...Args>
inline auto size(Args&&... pack) const
decltype(auto) getElementsIterable(ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost) const
inline decltype(auto) getNodeGroup() const
inline decltype(auto) getNodeGroup()
inline decltype(auto) getDimension() const
inline decltype(auto) getName() const
inline Int getNbNodes() const
class NodeGroup : public akantu::Dumpable

Public Functions

NodeGroup(const std::string &name, const Mesh &mesh, const std::string &id = "node_group")
~NodeGroup() override
void clear()

empty the node group

inline bool empty() const

returns treu if the group is empty


this changed beahavior if you want to empty the group use clear

inline auto begin() const

iterator to the beginning of the node group

inline auto end() const

iterator to the end of the node group

inline auto cbegin() const

iterator to the beginning of the node group

inline auto cend() const

iterator to the end of the node group

inline auto add(Idx node, bool check_for_duplicate = true)

add a node and give the local position through an iterator

inline void remove(Idx node)

remove a node

inline decltype(auto) find(Idx node) const
void optimize()

remove duplicated nodes

void append(const NodeGroup &other_group)

append a group to current one

template<typename T>
void applyNodeFilter(T &filter)

apply a filter on current node group

virtual void printself(std::ostream &stream, int indent = 0) const

function to print the contain of the class

inline decltype(auto) getNodes()
inline decltype(auto) getNodes() const
inline decltype(auto) getName() const
inline Idx size() const

give the number of nodes in the current group


friend class GroupManager



class FixedValue : public akantu::BC::Dirichlet::DirichletFunctor

Public Functions

inline FixedValue(Real val, Axis ax = _x)
inline virtual void operator()(Idx node, VectorProxy<bool> &flags, VectorProxy<Real> &primal, const VectorProxy<const Real> &coord) override
class FlagOnly : public akantu::BC::Dirichlet::DirichletFunctor

Public Functions

inline explicit FlagOnly(Axis ax = _x)
inline virtual void operator()(Idx node, VectorProxy<bool> &flags, VectorProxy<Real> &primal, const VectorProxy<const Real> &coord) override
class IncrementValue : public akantu::BC::Dirichlet::DirichletFunctor

Public Functions

inline IncrementValue(Real val, Axis ax = _x)
inline virtual void operator()(Idx node, VectorProxy<bool> &flags, VectorProxy<Real> &primal, const VectorProxy<const Real> &coord) override
inline void setIncrement(Real val)
class FromHigherDim : public akantu::BC::Neumann::NeumannFunctor

Public Functions

inline explicit FromHigherDim(const Matrix<Real> &mat)
~FromHigherDim() override = default
inline virtual void operator()(const IntegrationPoint &quad_point, VectorProxy<Real> &dual, const VectorProxy<const Real> &coord, const VectorProxy<const Real> &normals) override
class FromSameDim : public akantu::BC::Neumann::NeumannFunctor

Public Functions

inline explicit FromSameDim(const Vector<Real> &vec)
~FromSameDim() override = default
inline virtual void operator()(const IntegrationPoint &quad_point, VectorProxy<Real> &dual, const VectorProxy<const Real> &coord, const VectorProxy<const Real> &normals) override
template<class ModelType>
class BoundaryCondition

Public Functions

inline BoundaryCondition()
void initBC(ModelType &model, Array<Real> &primal, Array<Real> &dual)

Initialize the boundary conditions.

void initBC(ModelType &model, Array<Real> &primal, Array<Real> &primal_increment, Array<Real> &dual)
template<typename FunctorType>
inline void applyBC(FunctorType &&func)

Apply the boundary conditions.

template<class FunctorType>
inline void applyBC(FunctorType &&func, const std::string &group_name)
template<class FunctorType>
inline void applyBC(FunctorType &&func, const ElementGroup &element_group)
ModelType &getModel()
Array<Real> &getPrimal()
Array<Real> &getDual()
template<class FunctorType, BC::Functor::Type type = std::decay_t<FunctorType>::type>
struct TemplateFunctionWrapper
template<typename FunctorType> _dirichlet >

Public Static Functions

static inline void applyBC(FunctorType &&func, const ElementGroup &group, BoundaryCondition<ModelType> &bc_instance)
template<typename FunctorType> _neumann >

Public Static Functions

static inline void applyBC(FunctorType &&func, const ElementGroup &group, BoundaryCondition<ModelType> &bc_instance)
static inline void applyBC(FunctorType &&func, const ElementGroup &group, BoundaryCondition<ModelType> &bc_instance, GhostType ghost_type)


doxygenclass: Cannot find class “akantu::BoundaryConditionFunctor” in doxygen xml output for project “Akantu” from directory: ./xml

template<class EventHandler>
class EventHandlerManager

Public Functions

virtual ~EventHandlerManager() = default
inline void registerEventHandler(EventHandler &event_handler, EventHandlerPriority priority = _ehp_highest)

register a new EventHandler to the Manager. The register object will then be informed about the events the manager observes.

inline void unregisterEventHandler(EventHandler &event_handler)

unregister a EventHandler object. This object will not be notified anymore about the events this manager observes.

template<class Event>
inline void sendEvent(const Event &event)

Notify all the registered EventHandlers about the event that just occured.

class Model : public akantu::ModelSolver, public akantu::MeshEventHandler

Subclassed by akantu::ContactMechanicsModel, akantu::CouplerSolidContactTemplate< SolidMechanicsModelType >, akantu::CouplerSolidPhaseField, akantu::StructuralMechanicsModel

Public Types

using FEEngineMap = std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<FEEngine>>

Public Functions

Model(Mesh &mesh, const ModelType &type, Int dim = _all_dimensions, const ID &id = "model")

Normal constructor where the DOFManager is created internally.

~Model() override
Model(const Model&) = delete
Model(Model&&) = delete
Model &operator=(const Model&) = delete
Model &operator=(Model&&) = delete
template<typename ...pack>
inline std::enable_if_t<are_named_argument<pack...>::value> initFull(pack&&... _pack)
template<typename ...pack>
inline std::enable_if_t<not are_named_argument<pack...>::value> initFull(pack&&... _pack)
void initNewSolver(const AnalysisMethod &method)

initialize a new solver if needed

void dumpGroup(const std::string &group_name)

Dump the data for a given group.

void dumpGroup(const std::string &group_name, const std::string &dumper_name)
void dumpGroup()

Dump the data for all boundaries.

void setGroupDirectory(const std::string &directory, const std::string &group_name)

Set the directory for a given group.

void setGroupDirectory(const std::string &directory)

Set the directory for all boundaries.

void setGroupBaseName(const std::string &basename, const std::string &group_name)

Set the base name for a given group.

DumperIOHelper &getGroupDumper(const std::string &group_name)

Get the internal dumper of a given group.

inline virtual void updateDataForNonLocalCriterion(ElementTypeMapReal&)
Mesh &getMesh() const

get the number of surfaces

inline virtual void synchronizeBoundaries()

synchronize the boundary in case of parallel run

inline FEEngine &getFEEngine(const ID &name = "") const

return the fem object associated with a provided name

inline virtual FEEngine &getFEEngineBoundary(const ID &name = "")

return the fem boundary object associated with a provided name

inline bool hasFEEngineBoundary(const ID &name = "")
template<typename FEEngineClass>
inline void registerFEEngineObject(const ID &name, Mesh &mesh, Int spatial_dimension = _all_dimensions, bool do_not_precompute = false)

register a fem object associated with name

inline void unRegisterFEEngineObject(const ID &name)

unregister a fem object associated with name

SynchronizerRegistry &getSynchronizerRegistry()

return the synchronizer registry

template<typename FEEngineClass>
inline FEEngineClass &getFEEngineClass(const ID &name = "") const

return the fem object associated with a provided name

template<typename FEEngineClass>
inline FEEngineClass &getFEEngineClassBoundary(const ID &name = "")

return the fem boundary object associated with a provided name

AnalysisMethod getAnalysisMethod() const

Get the type of analysis method used.

Int getSpatialDimension() const

return the dimension of the system space

inline Int getNbIntegrationPoints(const Array<Element> &elements, const ID &fem_id = ID()) const
void setTextModeToDumper()
virtual void addDumpGroupFieldToDumper(const std::string &field_id, std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> field, DumperIOHelper &dumper)
virtual void addDumpField(const std::string &field_id)
virtual void addDumpFieldVector(const std::string &field_id)
virtual void addDumpFieldToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &field_id)
virtual void addDumpFieldVectorToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &field_id)
virtual void addDumpFieldTensorToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &field_id)
virtual void addDumpFieldTensor(const std::string &field_id)
virtual void setBaseName(const std::string &field_id)
virtual void setBaseNameToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &basename)
virtual void addDumpGroupField(const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name)
virtual void addDumpGroupFieldToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name, ElementKind element_kind, bool padding_flag)
virtual void addDumpGroupFieldToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name, Int spatial_dimension, ElementKind element_kind, bool padding_flag)
virtual void removeDumpGroupField(const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name)
virtual void removeDumpGroupFieldFromDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name)
virtual void addDumpGroupFieldVector(const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name)
virtual void addDumpGroupFieldVectorToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &field_id, const std::string &group_name)
inline virtual std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createNodalFieldReal(const std::string&, const std::string&, bool)
inline virtual std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createNodalFieldInt(const std::string&, const std::string&, bool)
inline virtual std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createNodalFieldBool(const std::string&, const std::string&, bool)
inline virtual std::shared_ptr<dumpers::Field> createElementalField(const std::string&, const std::string&, bool, Int, ElementKind)
void setDirectory(const std::string &directory)
void setDirectoryToDumper(const std::string &dumper_name, const std::string &directory)
virtual void dump(const std::string &dumper_name)
virtual void dump(const std::string &dumper_name, Int step)
virtual void dump(const std::string &dumper_name, Real time, Int step)
virtual void dump()
virtual void dump(Int step)
virtual void dump(Real time, Int step)
class NonLocalManagerCallback

Public Functions

NonLocalManagerCallback() = default
NonLocalManagerCallback(const NonLocalManagerCallback&) = default
NonLocalManagerCallback(NonLocalManagerCallback&&) = default
NonLocalManagerCallback &operator=(const NonLocalManagerCallback&) = default
NonLocalManagerCallback &operator=(NonLocalManagerCallback&&) = default
virtual ~NonLocalManagerCallback() = default
inline virtual void initializeNonLocal()
inline virtual void insertIntegrationPointsInNeighborhoods(GhostType)
inline virtual void computeNonLocalContribution(GhostType)
inline virtual void updateLocalInternal(ElementTypeMapReal&, GhostType, ElementKind)

update the values of the non local internal

inline virtual void updateNonLocalInternal(ElementTypeMapReal&, GhostType, ElementKind)

copy the results of the averaging in the materials


class ModelSolver : public akantu::Parsable, public akantu::SolverCallback, public akantu::SynchronizerRegistry

Subclassed by akantu::Model

Public Functions

ModelSolver(Mesh &mesh, const ModelType &type, const ID &id)
std::shared_ptr<DOFManager> initDOFManager(const std::shared_ptr<DOFManager> &dof_manager = nullptr)

initialize the dof manager based on solver type passed in the input file

std::shared_ptr<DOFManager> initDOFManager(const ID &solver_type)

initialize the dof manager based on the used chosen solver type

inline virtual void initSolver(TimeStepSolverType, NonLinearSolverType)

Callback for the model to instantiate the matricees when needed.

std::tuple<ParserSection, bool> getParserSection()

get the section in the input file (if it exsits) corresponding to this model

virtual void solveStep(const ID &solver_id = "")

solve a step using a given pre instantiated time step solver and non linear solver

virtual void solveStep(SolverCallback &callback, const ID &solver_id = "")

solve a step using a given pre instantiated time step solver and non linear solver with a user defined callback instead of the model itself /!\ This can mess up everything

void getNewSolver(const ID &solver_id, TimeStepSolverType time_step_solver_type, NonLinearSolverType non_linear_solver_type = NonLinearSolverType::_auto)

Initialize a time solver that can be used afterwards with its id.

void setIntegrationScheme(const ID &solver_id, const ID &dof_id, const IntegrationSchemeType &integration_scheme_type, IntegrationScheme::SolutionType solution_type = IntegrationScheme::_not_defined)

set an integration scheme for a given dof and a given solver

void setIntegrationScheme(const ID &solver_id, const ID &dof_id, std::unique_ptr<IntegrationScheme> &integration_scheme, IntegrationScheme::SolutionType solution_type = IntegrationScheme::_not_defined)

set an externally instantiated integration scheme

virtual void predictor() override

Predictor interface for the callback.

virtual void corrector() override

Corrector interface for the callback.

virtual TimeStepSolverType getDefaultSolverType() const

Default time step solver to instantiate for this model.

virtual ModelSolverOptions getDefaultSolverOptions(const TimeStepSolverType &type) const

Default configurations for a given time step solver.

inline DOFManager &getDOFManager()

get access to the internal dof manager

Real getTimeStep(const ID &solver_id = "") const

get the time step of a given solver

virtual void setTimeStep(Real time_step, const ID &solver_id = "")

set the time step of a given solver

bool hasSolver(const ID &solver_id) const

answer to the question “does the solver exists ?”

void setDefaultSolver(const ID &solver_id)

changes the current default solver

bool hasDefaultSolver() const

is a default solver defined

bool hasIntegrationScheme(const ID &solver_id, const ID &dof_id) const

is an integration scheme set for a given solver and a given dof

TimeStepSolver &getTimeStepSolver(const ID &solver_id = "")
NonLinearSolver &getNonLinearSolver(const ID &solver_id = "")
const TimeStepSolver &getTimeStepSolver(const ID &solver_id = "") const
const NonLinearSolver &getNonLinearSolver(const ID &solver_id = "") const
const ID &getID() const

get id of model

class DOFManager : protected akantu::MeshEventHandler

Subclassed by akantu::DOFManagerDefault, akantu::DOFManagerPETSc

Public Functions

DOFManager(const ID &id = "dof_manager")
DOFManager(Mesh &mesh, const ID &id = "dof_manager")
~DOFManager() override
virtual void registerDOFs(const ID &dof_id, Array<Real> &dofs_array, DOFSupportType support_type)

register an array of degree of freedom

virtual void registerDOFs(const ID &dof_id, Array<Real> &dofs_array, const ID &support_group)

the dof as an implied type of _dst_nodal and is defined only on a subset of nodes

virtual void registerDOFsPrevious(const ID &dof_id, Array<Real> &dofs_array)

register an array of previous values of the degree of freedom

virtual void registerDOFsIncrement(const ID &dof_id, Array<Real> &dofs_array)

register an array of increment of degree of freedom

virtual void registerDOFsDerivative(const ID &dof_id, Int order, Array<Real> &dofs_derivative)

register an array of derivatives for a particular dof array

virtual void registerBlockedDOFs(const ID &dof_id, Array<bool> &blocked_dofs)

register array representing the blocked degree of freedoms

virtual void assembleToResidual(const ID &dof_id, Array<Real> &array_to_assemble, Real scale_factor = 1.)

Assemble an array to the global residual array.

virtual void assembleToLumpedMatrix(const ID &dof_id, Array<Real> &array_to_assemble, const ID &lumped_mtx, Real scale_factor = 1.)

Assemble an array to the global lumped matrix array.

virtual void assembleElementalArrayLocalArray(const Array<Real> &elementary_vect, Array<Real> &array_assembeled, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type, Real scale_factor = 1., const Array<Int> &filter_elements = empty_filter)

Assemble elementary values to a local array of the size nb_nodes * nb_dof_per_node. The dof number is implicitly considered as conn(el, n) * nb_nodes_per_element + d. With 0 < n < nb_nodes_per_element and 0 < d < nb_dof_per_node

virtual void assembleElementalArrayToResidual(const ID &dof_id, const Array<Real> &elementary_vect, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type, Real scale_factor = 1., const Array<Int> &filter_elements = empty_filter)

Assemble elementary values to the global residual array. The dof number is implicitly considered as conn(el, n) * nb_nodes_per_element + d. With 0 < n < nb_nodes_per_element and 0 < d < nb_dof_per_node

virtual void assembleElementalArrayToLumpedMatrix(const ID &dof_id, const Array<Real> &elementary_vect, const ID &lumped_mtx, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type, Real scale_factor = 1., const Array<Int> &filter_elements = empty_filter)

Assemble elementary values to a global array corresponding to a lumped matrix

virtual void assembleElementalMatricesToMatrix(const ID &matrix_id, const ID &dof_id, const Array<Real> &elementary_mat, ElementType type, GhostType ghost_type = _not_ghost, const MatrixType &elemental_matrix_type = _symmetric, const Array<Int> &filter_elements = empty_filter) = 0

Assemble elementary values to the global residual array. The dof number is implicitly considered as conn(el, n) * nb_nodes_per_element + d. With 0 < n < nb_nodes_per_element and 0 < d < nb_dof_per_node

virtual void assembleMatMulVectToArray(const ID &dof_id, const ID &A_id, const Array<Real> &x, Array<Real> &array, Real scale_factor = 1) = 0

multiply a vector by a matrix and assemble the result to the residual

virtual void assembleLumpedMatMulVectToResidual(const ID &dof_id, const ID &A_id, const Array<Real> &x, Real scale_factor = 1) = 0

multiply a vector by a lumped matrix and assemble the result to the residual

virtual void assemblePreassembledMatrix(const ID &matrix_id, cons